Heart-Lung Equipment
More than 40 years developing, producing and servicing heart-lung equipment.

S5™ Heart-Lung Machine
The most successful heart-lung machine ever
With more than 5.5 million patients treated to date, perfusionists worldwide are benefiting from the reliability of the S5 heart-lung machine.

B-Capta™ Blood Gas Monitoring
The ready-to-go in-line blood-gas monitoring system
Designed to easily and accurately monitor arterial and venous blood-gas parameters even in long and complex pediatric and adult cardiopulmonary bypass procedures.

Arterial Clamp
For the safety of centrifugal perfusion
The arterial clamp is designed for operation with the centrifugal pump for the safety of centrifugal perfusion.
When certain conditions are detected (low level, bubble or retrograde flow), an alarm is triggered, and the arterial clamp occludes the arterial line immediately to minimize the danger of air delivery.

Electronic Venous Clamp
Controlled regulation of the venous returnflow
The venous clamp can apply an occlusion of perfusion tubing that varies between fully unoccluded to fully occluded.

Electronic Gas Blender
Continuous comparison of actual and set values

Connect™ Data Management System
Designed to satisfy the needs of perfusionists
Connect data management system is designed to decrease potential for human errors associated with perfusion data transcription.